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About Project

Effective Justice

2021 - 2023

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The notion of effectiveness creates a central point of research in this project and at the same time the common denominator of the various aspects of criminal procedure in selected legal systems. However, other features of the systems will be also included i.e. systemic, constitutional, or international standards, especially created by adjudications of the ECtHR and the CJEU in Europe. The conducted analyses are to be kept in an integrative manner, therefore going beyond the qualitative and quantitative research of the law. Thus, considerations will include psychological and sociological aspects. The analysis of the effectiveness of proceedings is to be of a model nature. Therefore, the emphasis will be placed on civil law and common law systems, as well as their interpenetrations. The elements determining the models will be presented theoretically and praxeologically. The theoretical approach will include research consisting of the analysis of normative texts, the development of doctrine and jurisprudence; the empirical analysis will include both quantitative research relating to the statistical data collected in the systems (official data) and, in the selected scope, the own quantitative research of the project performers.

The project is scheduled for 2 years (starts in December 2021 and ends in December 2023). The research will be carried out by about 24 scholars at several (mostly) European Universities with the leading role of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Adam Mickiewicz in Poznań/Poland and the Faculty of Law of the University of Bologna/ Italy.

There will be five areas to explore, planned as the future sections of the book:

  • How to measure the effectiveness of criminal proceedings? Theoretical, statistical and sociological models

  • The organization of the judicial systems and its impact on judicial activity

  • Digitalisation and new technologies in terms of effectiveness

  • Implementing special proceedings and restorative justice: tools and strategies

  • Reasonable length of criminal proceedings versus the system of remedies.


The project Effective Justice International and Comparative Approaches aims to tackle the issues described above, identifying critical points and problems in a comparative perspective in order to find the way to improve the effectiveness of judicial systems and their collaboration, especially within the UE. The project creates a common discussion platform for researchers of selected legal systems and contributes to strengthening the cooperation and exchange of information between scholars and influencing the circulation of new approaches and ideas. The forum for discussion will be held in the form of international scientific seminars taking place periodically on online platforms.

Scientific Support by

Stephen C. Thaman

Professor Emeritus

Saint Louis University

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professor Stephen C. Thaman
Scientific Support
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Project Founders

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